Whole Class Discussion: Are you convinced?

Are You Convinced?

Re: Are You Convinced?

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Dillon, I love how you think! Building empathy for the villain of a story is not where I thought we'd be going so early into the semester, but you know what? I'm with you. Look at the movie Joker for example. I watched a series on the Unabomber that showed how he went through psychological torturous experiments and by the end of the series, I felt horrible for him and understood where he was coming from. Cersei is my fave character on Game of Thrones. The list goes on with my love of the misunderstood villain.

So then the next question is that when we feel empathy for the villains, does this make us feel less empathy for their victims? The ones who suffer the human rights abuses? Now I wish I added Frankenstein which is my fave novel to teach. Everyone feels for the monster. You just have to!