


by Amanda DiPaolo -
Number of replies: 0
By now, y'all should have read or re-read the short story. Many of you have not done so.  This semester is going to be hard because you all have four or five courses that are making demands on you daily. 

Here is my advice. Make a schedule of what needs to be done when for each course. Time out the online work in 3 hour chunks for each class to start. Maybe follow the actual weekly course times for each course, if you can. Think of discussion forums and stuff like that as in-class time. Do work for that class when it is scheduled in your calendar. You of course need to add time for when you would do readings at home to prepare for class. Again, schedule it in prior to when you will do the online work.  I hope this is helpful. 

This is a course where you cannot be a free-rider. With more than half your grade tied up with actually just showing up and completing tasks, if you do not do it and rely on others, your participation grades will reflect that.  Most of the small groups have some very active participants whereas others do not. You should be working together to figure out who is writing what, who will read it over for grammar and spelling, who will edit for clarity, etc. I can see who is doing what so if you do not participate, you cannot get credit. 

If wikis are not posted by Sunday, you cannot receive feedback in time before the next one is due which will be graded. 

If you are struggling with course content and keeping up-to-date in your courses, please reach out to me or someone you trust for help via email.  You can also ask the writing centre for help because they have some time management for online working tips to offer, I do believe. This semester (and maybe entire year) is going to be a steep learning curve for all of us. We can get through it if we work together.