Opciones de matriculación

This course deals with the history of the Christian Church, from the time of pope Gregory the Great in the sixth century to the agonizingly drawn-out conclusion of a major papal schism in the fifteenth. We will primarily study the Western or “Latin” Church, but contemporary developments in and relations with Churches in the East will also be noted. Themes will focus on changing organizational forms, modes of authority and expressions of piety. Anticipated topics to be covered include diversity in the Church, conversions of so-called “barbarian” peoples, clashes between the Church and its non-Christian neighbours, monasticism, scholasticism, papal reform, inquisition, heresy, and lay (especially female) piety. A special project will involve collaborative student research on one of the key periods in the emergence of an inquisitorial papal monarchy at Avignon: the controversial reign of pope Benedict XII. Please note this is not a course in theology.  Prior knowledge of medieval history is helpful but not required. 3 credits.

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