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Course Description

The focus of this course is on the type of political system known as liberal democracy. Particular emphasis is placed on the historical genesis of liberal democracy, on its structural dynamics, and on the role of the working class within the system. The examination includes an analysis of the sources of stability and cleavage governing the development of liberal democracies. Finally, the functioning of liberal democracies is contrasted with that of communist political systems.

Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to understand how the ‘age of rage’ reflects the current state of neoliberal politics in contemporary society.  Specifically, you should be able to understand how the concepts of freedom, democracy, truth, wokeness, choice, and taxpaying have been coopted by defenders of neoliberalism and what can be done to reclaim ownership of them.

Required Readings

Caroll Off (2024).  At A Loss For Words:  Conversation in the Age of Rage, Penguin Random House Canada

PURCHASE:  https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/729716/at-a-loss-for-words-by-carol-off/9781039008434

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