Whole Class: Introductions

About Muchaneta Nyambuya

About Muchaneta Nyambuya

by Muchaneta Nyambuya -
Number of replies: 2

Hi everyone! My name is Muchaneta Nyambuya, or Mucha for short. I'm a third year international student all the way from South Africa. Funny enough, I'm actually afraid of flying but I found myself here in Canada after 36 hours of travelling (including layovers). I go home every Christmas and put myself through this torture because my family is worth it. I will say this though, it is very much self inflicted as I watch plane crash videos and documentaries right before my flights hahaha.

This summer corona edition I did a lot but also didn't do much (I don't know if that makes sense). I learned a lot about myself including the fact that my social battery runs low very quickly, I live in my head too much and that I really love cooking for myself and not so much other people.

I love food, taking 4 hour naps (yes, it has to be 4 or nothing), taking walks and watching sunsets. I put together a tiktok video for you all with some cool shots of the sunsets I've seen this summer (not a pro or anything). I found a meme the other day that perfectly shows how I am when I see a sunset - I'll put it below for you. I'm always in awe as if I'm seeing it for the first time.

I have a self diagnosed phobia of balloons. I'm yet to understand why they even exist!!!??? I just don't like the way they sound or how they can pop anytime. I am not afraid of creepy crawlers like roaches, spiders and the likes but this harmless non-living thing makes my skin crawl.

I am working toward an Honours in Human Rights (hopefully), I am done with my Criminology major and I am also doing a minor in Women and Gender studies. I am very passionate about human rights and I really love reading so I'm glad this course combines the two. The area of human rights I'm most passionate about is Womxn's rights as it is a big issue back home (as is everywhere in the world honestly). It is high up there with systemic racism.

Anyway, thank you for reading this far. For someone who did not know what to write I sure wrote a lot. We are all going to have a great school year despite the new norm!! Take care :)



In reply to Muchaneta Nyambuya

Re: About Muchaneta Nyambuya

by Amanda DiPaolo O'Brien -
Hi Mucha,

I love your TikTok. I had TikTok on my phone this summer, but deleted it. It is a decision I regret. However, one morning I woke up, made coffee and curled up on the couch and watched TikTok videos for 3 hours nonstop. Whaaaat? I had a problem.

I'm also afraid of flying and also travel A LOT. Family in Texas, Moot Court, Conferences, Vacation with the hus. It seems to never end. It has actually been nice that I have been stuck in Fredericton since March. Woot. Woot.
In reply to Muchaneta Nyambuya

Re: About Muchaneta Nyambuya

by Jessie-Lynn Cross -
Hey Mucha! So excited to be in another course with you this semester. Your sunset take game is lit! I am so addicted to taking pictures of sunsets that I have often debated getting an extra 9insta spam account JUST to post all my crazy pictures of sunsets. They are just SUCH a worldly treasure! As for tiktok, I refuse to download it because everyone talks about how addictive it is and I wouldn't want to end up watching it for 3 hours at a time like Professor DiPaolo XD

Wishing you all the best this semester! Stay safe/healthy :)